Your questions, our answers
FAQ about cosmetics-protect
There is a lot to discover at cosmetics-protect. If you want to inform yourself quickly but thoroughly, take a look at our FAQ. Here we have deposited your most burning questions with answers. If your question does not appear, please contact us.
cosmetics-protect | FAQ - common questions
Complication insurance cosmetics-protect
1. What does the follow-up costs insurance cosmetics-protect cover?
The follow-up cost insurance cosmetics-protect covers all medically necessary treatments after a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment by a doctor. This means that it covers any treatment that aims to restore the normal state of health or prevent it from deteriorating if it is impaired as a result of complications following minimally invasive treatment.
2. What is the procedure for reimbursement of follow-up costs?
Costs for treatment of a medical complication in a private clinic are insured up to 25,000 EUR, depending on the tariff selected. If complications are treated in a public hospital, billing must be done via your insurance card. We will reimburse you for the cost contribution that your health insurance company subsequently charges you.
3. When should I take out the insurance?
You can complete cosmetics-protect at any time before your scheduled treatment. Theoretically, you still have time until the evening before your treatment. Unfortunately, after the procedure you will no longer be able to take out a policy for it retroactively.
4. Up to what amount of subsequent costs am I insured?
The cosmetics-protect insurance covers costs for treatments that arise due to complications following minimally invasive treatment and which the health insurance company does not cover. We reimburse up to 50,000 EUR of follow-up treatments; the costs of private outpatient services are insured up to 25,000 EUR, depending on the tariff selected.
5. How long is cosmetics-protect active?
The insurance runs from the first day after taking out the insurance and is active for at least one year. You can then cancel monthly at any time.
6. Can I renew the insurance?
At the end of the agreed contract period, you can continue using cosmetics-protect under the usual conditions or cancel monthly.
7. What payment methods are available to me?
We either debit the insurance premium from your account by SEPA direct debit or charge your credit card.
No cosmetic treatments
1. Why is scar correction not on the list?
There are various ways to correct a scar for aesthetic reasons. The surgical route can only be covered with beautyprotect. If the scar is removed using e.g. Laser or microneedling is improved, cosmetics-protect can be completed.
2. Why is my liposuction not on CosmeticsProtect's list of cosmetic treatments?
Liposuction counts as a surgical operation and is therefore not covered by cosmetics-protect. However, you have the option of taking out beautyprotect for this procedure. You can do this directly at beautyprotect. If you choose cryolipolysis instead, which uses cold to treat fat cells, you can use cosmetics-protect for this.
General questions
1. What is a cosmetic treatment?
Cosmetic treatments describe the non-invasive area of aesthetic medicine. Only tiny incisions are made under the skin and the tissue immediately underneath. Cosmetic treatments are therefore particularly gentle on the person. There is very little downtime and virtually no scarring. These small procedures are becoming increasingly popular to rejuvenate the face, treat skin problems, eliminate fat deposits, permanently remove tattoos or hair, etc. One of the best-known examples is wrinkle injections with Botox or hyaluronic acid.
2. Can I take out cosmetics-protect for a combination treatment with Botox and hyaluronic acid?
cosmetics-protect covers all cosmetic treatments during the insurance period. The number of treatments is unlimited. Combined treatments with Botox and hyaluronic acid can of course also be insured through cosmetics-protect.
3. I have beautyprotect insurance and am now having Botox injections. Do I also need cosmetics-protect?
As long as your beautyprotect contract has not been terminated, all aesthetic procedures are covered, both surgical and minimally invasive. In this case, it is not necessary to take out cosmetics-protect insurance.
Please contact us if you have any questions or would like personal advice. (we speak English)

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